The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: December 2006


I am preparing to teach a subject that I love – a way to view the world as a series of interactions between the people on it. (This, as a clarification, is only because of my alignment with one philosophical train of thought over the other variations.) Teaching any topic, whether it be sociology or anything else, is hard when you love it so much.

This sounds dumb, I think. So many people I know love music. Adore music. Are obsessed with music. So how do you teach someone, from scratch, what music is? And how do you teach someone about music in an objective way without revealing too much about your personal inclinations in the teaching?

It’s hard, right?

The generic, “hip” illustration of sociology is to review tattoos. The suggested method is to ask students who have tattoos to raise their hands and to ask and then to discuss with people how social acceptance and stigma associated with tattoos over the years has changed. After all, I have two tattoos but no one thinks I am a biker, a witch or a whore. (No one thinking the last two is debatable, I suppose.) The same conversation could be had with piercings and the changing social acceptability of body piercings and men getting pierced.

The challenge for me is that I cannot use myself as an example and I cannot use people close to me as examples. It’s hard. I can explain what I mean to one person – just between me and them. Explaining it as a PROFESSOR is totally different somehow. And much more challenging…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

“Thoughts on Life” with UPS Driver Cliff

All of the funny shit a UPS driver has said to my brother during his winter break job:

“‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too.’ Man, that’s the stupidest shit I ever heard. What the fuck do I want cake for if I can’t eat it? Of course I want to have my cake and eat it too. Shit.”

“Man, that’s like taking sand to a beach.”

“I saw my first porno the other day. I sure did look young back then.”

“She had a shape like Beyonce, so I knew she was a ho.”

“She’s got a big fat booty and loves the Lord. She’s your kinda girl.”

“Work smart, not hard. Write that shit down.”

“Man, you got a better chance of getting a blowjob from a piranha.”

“I only need the respect of people who sleep with me, call me daddy, or pay my bills.”
(to a pair of dogs that followed the truck around a whole neighborhood for dog treats)

“Greedy motherfuckers.”

Cliff: “I’ve been awarded the UPS Driver of the Year.”
Me: “Wow, I didn’t realize I’ve been working with a legend.”
Cliff: “You’re really an asshole, you know that?”

“Every girl is pretty in one way or another. The way she walks, the way she talks. Something. Like this girl that used to like me. She was UG-LY. She had a big gap in her teeth. Her hair was in a weave. She had big boobs and no butt. But damn she had some sexy feet.”

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

My new bodyguards

I have two new roommates named Addy and Newton. They’re Wonder Boy’s cats who are adjusting to their new home and missing their dad while he’s on a business trip. They are also working very hard to make sure that I stay safe.

Everyday, from the moment my foot hits the floor to when my head hits the pillow at the end of the day, Addy is within 1 foot of me. He is always on the lookout lest danger come my way, in which case I am sure he would scream and run away. (I assume this because it was his reaction when he scared himself and hit a glass door earlier this week.)

Both Addy and Newton are particularly concerned that I might be poisoned. They, because of their short height and lack of opposable thumbs, can’t prevent me from putting anything in my mouth or on my skin. They follow up on everything I have done though by rooting through my garbage and testing things for toxicity. I am not sure what all of the tests are they are running, but based on the Q-tips I have been finding in unusual places, the tests are very complicated.

I am not sure what Addy thought was harming me from my toilet but this morning there were two distinct paw prints inside my toilet bowl. Inside! I am sure whatever he was doing was crucial to me survival.

This morning Newton was afraid I might be dead so he got within 2 centimeters of my face and breathed out really hard. Now between eating nasty food and licking his asshole all day, you can imagine how his breath smells. So, his breathing on me really is a good test to see whether or not I’m alive. After all, you can’t sleep through cat-asshole-breath in your face. Addy apparently wasn’t satisfied with Newton’s Is She Alive test so ran his own. His breath had the same effect on me – gagging and flinching.

Finally, in what I truly appreciate as their most noble of activities, Addy and Newton have begun an intense attack on the crickets (if you can even call them that since clearly they have been exposed to nuclear chemicals and are the size of small chickens) living in my basement. The insects are vicious so it is much appreciated. This morning a dead one was left on a landing in my stairwell as if to say “See! We really are protecting you!”

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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