Due to an overwhelming amount of leftover Halloween candy sitting around the office today (the result of an apparent underwhelming amount of trick-or-treaters this year), I have launched myself into what I fear will be the world’s largest sugar high.
I would take a picture of my trash can, filled with crinkled Kit-Kat, Reese’s Cup and 2 Musketeers wrappers, but that would undo the careful effort I took to cover them up. Basically, you’ll just have to trust me. But what I have done is dumb. And when I go into my business-ey meeting this afternoon and my knee starts thumping the bottom of the conference room table, I will know why.
10 candy bars.
Yes, 10.
This from a girl who wasn’t allowed to eat Dum-Dum suckers as a child due to hyperactivity caused by sugar consumption.