The Product of Creative Frustration

Daring to ask the question

How many candy bars are too many?

Due to an overwhelming amount of leftover Halloween candy sitting around the office today (the result of an apparent underwhelming amount of trick-or-treaters this year), I have launched myself into what I fear will be the world’s largest sugar high.

I would take a picture of my trash can, filled with crinkled Kit-Kat, Reese’s Cup and 2 Musketeers wrappers, but that would undo the careful effort I took to cover them up. Basically, you’ll just have to trust me. But what I have done is dumb. And when I go into my business-ey meeting this afternoon and my knee starts thumping the bottom of the conference room table, I will know why.

10 candy bars.

Yes, 10.

This from a girl who wasn’t allowed to eat Dum-Dum suckers as a child due to hyperactivity caused by sugar consumption.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    The real question is… how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

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