The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: October 2006

A new word, a new obsession

To say I check out a lot web sites n a regular basis is an understatement. I can’t help it. It’s the relief for my ADD at a computer. It’s a source of endless amusement and laughter for me while I waste away cutting and pasting. It’s just damn entertaining.

Among the various blogs I read, I have been noticing a word being used more and more frequently.


In all a actuality, it’s w00t. The context in which I see it used makes me think the word is a synonym for “Snap!” “Burn” and “Count it!” While I was mildly satisfied with my interpretation of this new piece of slang, I needed to know more. So I headed to the only source I trust for teaching me the meaning of dumb words.

So apparently w00t! is gamer slang for “Wow, I see loot!” When I say gamer slang, I mean it’s something people say while playing DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. Thereby, I have given up many moments of my life and become increasingly intrigued and entertained by DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS SLANG.

I have sunk ever further into geekdom.


This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

I prefer my music without the drugs

Yesterday I answered the question that’s been eating you up. Remember that DELICIOUS pink medicine you got as a kid when you had ear infections? Well, the answer is NO, you do NOT get that yummy goo when you get an ear infection as an adult. Boo, as I have not one, but two ear infections at the same time.

Last night I went to see Joseph Arthur perform at the 20th Century Theater in Cincinnati, where I discovered the answers to some more important questions:

  • What is it like to go to a concert with ear infections?
    Not good.
  • Would you want to pay good money to see some man high off his ass performing?
    Not so much.

(See what I mean about the camera not taking great pictures? And yes, he is singing with a mannequin head by him. Weird. And high.)

I actually thought the opening act, Annie Stela, was really good. I always prefer it when you can actually hear the singers voice and you could. Unfortunately, it cut right through my ear plugs…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Beautiful Fall Nights

I recently won a digital camera at a work outing. It doesn’t take great images, but I do think it will help spice up WOTD…
Music Hall in downtown Cincinnati.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Insight, laughter, alcohol and the V card

Wonder Boy and I had a fun-filled weekend that began with belly dancers and ended with NASCAR. Can it get any better?

On Saturday night we headed downtown to watch Ira Glass, host of This American Life on NPR, speak as the keynote speaker for Cincinnati Writer’s Weekend. He spoke in a beautiful old hall and the place was packed with liberal public radio listeners. I have never seen so many black glasses frames!

Ira was good, as we knew he would be. He got me fired up about writing and being creative and reminded me why I do what I do. He explained his process for making This American Life such a popular, well-listened to show and how you could apply it to other things. But mainly he showed how you can take the process of being a good creative writer and radio host and apply that to giving an excellent speech.

Wonder Boy and were fired up with Ira Goodness so we headed back to my place (I had to change out of the newly purchased f-me shoes into something a little more practical) and headed up to a neighborhood bar. Now to explain, Wonder Boy and I recently bought a house in a college town. We live surrounded by students, and I like it. Students are funny and young and creative and unmarred by the realities that adults just accept as normal. They are also heavy drinkers, bad drunks and horrible parallel parkers.

At the bar on Saturday night, where they carded Wonder Boy and I to make us feel good, we sat at the bar next to people in various stages of drunk. A slurring-ly drunk girl and her friend approached three of the gentlemen at the bar explaining their mission to find a boy to take the one girl’s V card. (This same V card had been the cause of a break up the night before and what better way to snub you ex-boyfriend than to lose your virginity one night later in a night of random, drunken sex?) Of the three men at the bar, they didn’t approach the obvious, slutty chap, nor the semi-decent looking guy. No, they approached the nastiest of them. His reaction time, hindered by an evening of drinking, was slow and he was too busy being slack-jawed to say that he would, of course, deflower the drunken girl. This pause lost him the score and I am pretty sure, based on the water I saw her drinking later, that the girl kept her V card in tact for another night.

Now really, Ira and watching drunk college students. Does it get better?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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