The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: October 2006 Page 2 of 3


I have now received my second piece of hatemail. I am big time now!

This isn’t being submitted for publication*, but don’t you have anything else to do? at least you like writing about yourself. it’s interesting that someone who claims to be private shares so much.

*Then you shouldn’t have sent it.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Needing to tune out

I think my age is becoming more apparent. A while back I went out and checked Facebook and MySpace, trying to keep up with new technologies. I thought they were dumb. I don’t understand the point… That’s the first time I have thought that about a technology in a while. (Granted, I was a late adopter of cell phones but that’s more about maintaining privacy than resisting technology.) I heard once, a while ago, that the generation gap between my age group and our kids will be the biggest one yet because of technology. And that’s sort of scary given how much technology I have available to me. And how much I find myself wanting to resist it right now.

Do you know that I like to watch letters appear on a computer screen after I strike the keyboard? It’s magical. Action and reaction. I like chatting online with friends who live on other continents. I love emailing friends, making travel arrangements and paying bills all at a computer. I am starting to feel overwhelmed by the convenience of it all.

Many months ago there was an article in Time Magazine that referred to new studies being done about work and technology and efficiency. One study found that when someone instant messages you, outside of the time it takes to do the chatting, you lose five minutes of productivity. This is because you lose your momentum. As someone who has been known to have four or five IM windows open at once, this took my breath away.

I have been a cell phone owner for about three years now. If you stop and think about that number, you’ll realize your grandma probably had a cell before me. I used to be awful with it. I would leave it at home and forget I owned it until I had lots of messages built up. Now I carry it most of the time and struggle to hit “Reject” when calls come in, something I used to do with ease.

To the point… I am feeling bombarded lately, with everything. I feel too accessible. When an IM window pops up on my computer, I feel my shoulders grow tense. And if I ignore it but here there little *beep beep* noise when I get a new message, I get even more frustrated. I start clacking on the keyboard louder and moving my mouse all herky-jerky. When my cell phone rings I am irritated, with the caller, the phone and myself. I haven’t lost patience with email yet. I think that’s only because I can check email on my own time. (I do sometimes get antsy when I see the little windows pop up notifying me of a new message.)

I have been trying to come up with some solution to all of this. So far, my options seems to be to stop using instant messenger, get rid of a cell phone and stick with a land line and stop using email notification services. None of these things are a very big deal. I know this. In my head, I know this. But this voice keeps yelling at me… “If you stop using all those things, you will be rejecting the technology of youth. You will be old!”

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Still admiring

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

A spot just for me

I recently got a promotion at work. It was a nice pat on the back and acknowledgement of hard work. Truth be told though, it didn’t change much. My role is the same the work I do is basically the same. When I called my dad with the news and told him me new title (the best part of the promotion to me) he said it led him to believe I worked in an office with a view and had a team of people reporting to me. He was wrong on all counts, but it would be nice, right?

I think, perhaps, we all get caught up in our quest for the office with a view. (Personally, I would do a little dance to have an office with a door so I could listen to my music all. day. long. and not worry about bothering a soul.

A recent outing to a rummage sale, where Wonder Boy found a vintage warm-up jacket a card table for a total of $4, gave me a new goal. My own parking spot. With a sign. An awesome sign.

Here are some of the parking space “Reserved” signs we saw:
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I have received a lot of verbal feedback about a recent post where I discussed my desire to lick my newly refinished pantry. Negative feedback. But tell me, is this not the most lickable pantry you have ever seen???

I have to get on a ladder to reach the highest shelves!

I probably licked that shelf. Sorry, mom.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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