The Product of Creative Frustration


I have received a lot of verbal feedback about a recent post where I discussed my desire to lick my newly refinished pantry. Negative feedback. But tell me, is this not the most lickable pantry you have ever seen???

I have to get on a ladder to reach the highest shelves!

I probably licked that shelf. Sorry, mom.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


A new word, a new obsession


A spot just for me


  1. Anonymous

    Dude, tell me you did not lick the shelf…

  2. Oh, I licked it! Now, I didn’t lick the floor. That would be gross.

  3. SteveG


    oh wait. wrong comment.

    Those are nice shelves, though.

  4. Nikki

    I want to see the label maker in action in that closet!

  5. Anonymous

    Mm. Them’s some sexy lookin’ shelves you got there pirate. Seems a shame to be likkin’ them in the kitchen…them’s bedroom likkin’ shelves for sure.

    I knew a kid years ago who licked light switches and empty cat food cans. I personally don’t lick things. But I do keep new nickles under my tongue. They’re tinny and cool. YUM!

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