I recently got a promotion at work. It was a nice pat on the back and acknowledgement of hard work. Truth be told though, it didn’t change much. My role is the same the work I do is basically the same. When I called my dad with the news and told him me new title (the best part of the promotion to me) he said it led him to believe I worked in an office with a view and had a team of people reporting to me. He was wrong on all counts, but it would be nice, right?
I think, perhaps, we all get caught up in our quest for the office with a view. (Personally, I would do a little dance to have an office with a door so I could listen to my music all. day. long. and not worry about bothering a soul.
A recent outing to a rummage sale, where Wonder Boy found a vintage warm-up jacket a card table for a total of $4, gave me a new goal. My own parking spot. With a sign. An awesome sign.
Here are some of the parking space “Reserved” signs we saw:
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.