The Product of Creative Frustration

Birth announcement

At the animal shelter I volunteer at there are lots of sweet cats who need homes. Many of the cats are black and it turns out that a lot of folks don’t want them because of superstitions and whatnot. Can you imagine? Some of the black cats are super-duper sweet. So I have a theory – the cats just need better names. And so, I rechristened one of the cats. Truthfully, I don’t know what his or her original name was – he / she was a newbie to the shelter. Me, being a new volunteer (and I am so sticking with that excuse if I get yelled at), don’t know all the rules about cat naming. I have noticed that nearly all of the cats have Christian names. BORING.

So now the shelter has a cat named Lima Bean.

Lima Bean and many other vegetable-named cats are awaiting a loving home with you.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Stale memories wafting about


Yo yo

1 Comment

  1. John

    Hi ya! I love your blog and visit all the time.
    About this little post.
    It is definately stupid that people do not want an animal simply because of its color.
    I had a black cat that my brother found looking for food in a ditch( the catnot the brother..LOL!) near our home at the time.
    We dubbed her Midnight (we were kids ,what did you expect). We ended up having her all her life which was 19 years.
    There was an occasion or two when I had to rescue her from situations( she was an indoor/outdoor cat) from superstitious idiots that would throw rock at her amoung other things. Needless to say ,that person, a fellow class mate got his ass kicked that day.
    Had to keep her inside on Halloween of course. She had a great personality and was one of the best pets I ever had.
    Christian names…for cats? Cats should have imaginative and interesting names,they’re cats for Christ sake! LOL!

    My current feline friend is a 18 pd male tabby cat named,of all things: Frodo!


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