The Product of Creative Frustration

Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it

My modeling career is really taking off, by which I mean starting. I mean I have always een told I should be a model, so it’s no surprise, right? (Okay, the only people who ever told me I should be a model were my grandpas and the old train man train conductors I worked with in high school.)

Yesterday I launched business for Kate’s House of Hands, my hand modeling company. It went okay. In the photo shoot I mock-typing on a computer and my hands weren’t conveying the emotions the photographers were going after. Also, I apparently have a tendency to have hooked or claw-like fingers. Who knew? When the photographer told me to make my right hand more delicate, I did my best. It turns out I have little control over my left hand fingers, but what’s a girl to do?

Now look at this? Does this look hooked or claw-like to you?

But since yesterday didn’t bode well for my hand modeling career, I have decided to explore ankle modeling, opening up Kate’s House of Ankles.

Despite all the ridiculousness surrounding my hands, I have been asked to model in a shoot for my friend’s music web site.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Amusing shite


Clicking through my past


  1. Nikki

    You were a great hand model, don’t doubt your ability. I even dug the veinyness.


  2. Sean K

    I’d buy some ankle photos for sure. 😉

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