The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: May 2006 Page 1 of 3

Strike a pose, there’s nothing to it

My modeling career is really taking off, by which I mean starting. I mean I have always een told I should be a model, so it’s no surprise, right? (Okay, the only people who ever told me I should be a model were my grandpas and the old train man train conductors I worked with in high school.)

Yesterday I launched business for Kate’s House of Hands, my hand modeling company. It went okay. In the photo shoot I mock-typing on a computer and my hands weren’t conveying the emotions the photographers were going after. Also, I apparently have a tendency to have hooked or claw-like fingers. Who knew? When the photographer told me to make my right hand more delicate, I did my best. It turns out I have little control over my left hand fingers, but what’s a girl to do?

Now look at this? Does this look hooked or claw-like to you?

But since yesterday didn’t bode well for my hand modeling career, I have decided to explore ankle modeling, opening up Kate’s House of Ankles.

Despite all the ridiculousness surrounding my hands, I have been asked to model in a shoot for my friend’s music web site.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Amusing shite

It is amazing the shit that can amuse me. One of my Jason friends passed this site on to me and voila!, I was hooked. My favorite creations:
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Old man perversion

The other day I was in quest of an older person to talk to for an article I was writing – the older the person the better as far as I was concerned. So I drove up and down streets like some weird pervert looking for gray hairs, preferably sitting on benches or somewhere where I could interrupt them. I saw one man strolling by an old theater in my neighborhood, looking like he was just window shopping. I immediately pulled over and approached him for an interview. The exchange went something like this:

    Me: “I am writing an article for a local newsletter and was wondering…”
    Him: “I’m a stranger here myself, can’t help you. I was just trying to figure something out.”
    Me: “I’m from here, maybe I can help. What’s your question?”
    Him: “Well, I was looking at this theater trying to find show times.”
    Me: “They don’t play movies here anymore. They use it for musical acts and events. It’s verty cool inside though.”
    Him: “Oh. It’s cold inside? Hmmm.”
    Me: “No, It’s very neat inside.”
    Him: “Okay, thank you. I better get going. My wife is sitting in that car and she is watching us right now.”

And then he proceeded to give me a look as if I really were a pervert out seeking old men!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Why green acres ain’t the place for me

On a recent visit to Fletcher, Ohio, Wonder Boy and I drove past a house with this in it’s front yard:

To be fair, this is a wonderful likeness of Dale Earnhardt and it is beautifully carved. That said, I think it’s a little much, as is focusing a light on the statue so people can see it at nice, as is the number three with wings behind the carving of the man.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

THE story

I am a writer and have been since my nerdy little self was on a writing team in the seventh grade. (Laugh if you must, but I went to state and that sure as hell wouldn’t have happened in any athletic pursuit!) My professional life as a writer has been quite the letdown, if you must know. I have written a fair share of things, some of them even decent things, but I have not had that story. You know… The story. A story like this one.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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