The Product of Creative Frustration

Life as a newly anointed cat-person

As mentioned on several prior occasions (here and here), I am a dog person. Ironically, my brief foray into dog ownership showed me the light. Although very sweet and giving with their love (there is nothing like little puppy kisses on your neck), it’s not all fun. The problems with dogs include, but are not limited to:

  • You have to train them to poop outside
  • You have to train them to pee outside
  • They eat poop
  • They drink pee
  • They eat vomit
  • They sniff butts
  • Puppy crying sounds like you are strangling a newborn
  • Their food is the nastiest smelling thing, only to be outdone by the smell of dog diarrhea after your dog has eaten some deer poop

Based on my horrendous introduction into actual dog ownership, I have started to have a new appreciation for cat because:

  • They poop and pee in boxes and can be trained to do this while they are still very young

You’ll notice that having poop, pee, vomit and diarrhea routinely finding their way to my floor for the period of 3 ½ weeks pretty much changed me to the new cat-loving person I am today.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Help a guy out


Sometimes, having a penis sounds okay

1 Comment

  1. I am not ashamed to say I am also a cat-person.

    They don’t need the constant maintenance a dog needs. That’s the beauty of cats. You can go on vacation for 5 days, fill up a mega size bowl of food and water and they could care less. You don’t even have to bathe them – they do it for you.

    Bad news – they still vomit like dogs do, and on a more frequent basis (hairballs).

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