These past few weeks I have been having this out-of-the-ordinary warm and fuzzies towards my siblings. I am not sure when it started. I think it’s a new appreciation for the family emails that get generated and how they make me laugh out loud so often it’s ridiculous. The people who sit around me at work when I read these emails probably think I have a problem.

A sample exchange:

Sister 2: Next monday morning at 8 I am having an MRI of my brain! And I get paid $75 for the scan plus payment for any additional time. This is great. And if I like it and I’m a good patient, I can do more of these studies and keep getting paid $75. This is so exciting.

And I asked the guy and he said that if he finds a tumor or something, they’ll tell me. So basically this is like going to the doctor for a brain check up and getting paid for it!

Sister 1: Tell him to bring his magnifying glass to work in order to get a good look at your brain.

Brother: What [Sister 2] doesn’t know is that she volunteered for a frontal lobotomy.

This went on and on. I was in tears.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.