Submitted by Jason N.:
So, my mother recently received the following email from her sister:
Dear X
If you wouldn’t mind, I am taking Friday off to finalize loose ends for the holidays; I have cards, etc. to mail out for Mom to the family. Could you please send me the addresses for your kids? Also, where will you be having your xmas?
Now, a little background – my aunt is a bitch. No question about it, she’s classic high maintenance, low reward. However, my mom’s reply was a bit over the top; here’s just a small sample:
Your patterns are transparent and predictable and you have learned how to make money using the tactics you learned so well as a child: lies, omissions, demands, condescension, veiled threats, emotional outbursts, taking advantage of people’s weaknesses, distortions, guilt trips, set ups, paybacks, exaggeration, belittlement, power trips, bullshit, rationalization, justification, talking circles around people, stroking egos, whatever it takes to keep those balls bouncing.
Fortunately, my sister intervened before this (and the other 10 paragraphs in a similar vein) were sent. The response she actually sent was still pretty damn harsh, given that my aunt just asked for a couple of addresses….