Reality Television is bad. Bad like a bag full of Halloween Candy sitting in your kitchen taunting you with its yummy, fattening, teeth-rotting goodness. It’s bad like the episodes of Who’s Your Baby’s Daddy Maury Povich episodes that are on when I get home from work and want nothing more than 15 minutes to vegetate on my couch in front of the TV. Over the past couple of years Reality Television has started to go downhill and meet its inevitable demise. But then last night, during an episode of the usually atrocious show Trading Spouses, things started looking up.
In a continuation of an episode from the week before, two moms continued on their week-long venture being mom to another family. New Age Mom was open and remarkably considerate to the religious and, in my view, wee odd family she mothered. God Warrior Mom was a fruit loop.
God Warrior Mom was in this home where the kids were typical insolent adolescents and the dad, husband of New Age Mom, was new age and weirdly calm and open. (Seriously, whatever pot he was smoking was good.) But God Warrior Mom was crazy. And then she went back to her home, real husband and kids. OH MY GOD. Very entertaining though…
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.
Holy Cow, can you say Kraziness with a capital K? That woman was so very very scarey. I don’t watch much TV, but last night was so completely excellent that I might become a Trading Spouses devotee.
Another fab. gem from reality TV this week (did I mention I don’t watch much TV ;)), America’s Next Top Model. A model girl is interviewed and asked to speak of Tyra’s model walk. “It’s amazing to watch someone who’s been walking their entire life, walk”, is what she said. Super deep stuff. Bring on the brain-rot.
(Bow your heads)
Dear Lord,
Please send an angel, lightning bolt or deranged Jihadi to the immediate vicinity of this, well, for lack of a better word, woman. Once there, please make sure to smite her directly to hell so she can reside with the dark prince and the ghosts of bad dentists past.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen
(PS: If we’re all created in your image, you’ve got a serious ugly streak running through you)
Amen again.