The Product of Creative Frustration

Stuck and Sprayed Yellow

When I was a kid I was a little intense about my Halloween costumes, and everything else. My dad was especially helpful in assisting me in some outlandish creations that I was really proud of. One year I was an alien with stuffed tights on my head for antenna. (That year we had a costume parade at school and afterwards I took off the body of my costume so I could sit down for lunch an apparently paraded through the cafeteria in tights that were see-through so everyone saw my days of the week underwear. Oops.)

My favorite costume was the year I was a movie theatre box of popcorn. My dad and I sprayed painted this big box yellow and stenciled the word “POPCORN” on all four sides. We then popped lots of popcorn and glues it to the top. (We sprayed it with something so it wouldn’t get nasty.) My head stuck out the top of the box, me legs out the bottom and my arms out the side. It was sweet.

UNTIL I went trick or treating and sat down inside the box (it was warmer in there) and got stuck.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Dialing in From the Hill


Waking Up Teeth-Clenched Angry

1 Comment

  1. I was/am also a Halloweenophile–planning the next year’s costume was the most important topic November 1 and every day thereafter.

    The worst costume ever: The year my mom planned my costume for the Seattle Symphony’s annual Halloween concert. That fine costume consisted of bathrobe, slippers, a scarf tied under my jaw and around the head and a big ol’ sign taped to me that read “quarantine.” All the adults snickered and the kids…well, they just didn’t get it.

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