A while back within my posts here I started calling my BF, well, my BF. I did this as a sort of generic way to refer to him because while a lot of you know him, many of you don’t and he deserves some anonymity. Just some.
This is rather a big step though, this open declaration of someone as a BF. Once, while sixteen, I was dating this boy we will call Barney.* We dated twice. For two weeks each time. Actually each time he dumped me for the same girl. During dating two-week-session number one, he called me his girlfriend. I think I stopped talking to him which, in his defense, probably was just cause for leaving me for the other girl. It wasn’t just that he used the word GIRLFRIEND (this is the same boy who asked me to go steady and I started laughing at him … What were we, in high school? Oh wait…) but that he used the word “my” as in “you are my girlfriend.” All I heard was that possessive and I FREAKED.
So here I am about 10 years later using the word, or the acronym, BF. Big stuff.
*All names have been changed to protect the innocent.