The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: August 2005 Page 1 of 3


Last night I had a dream — and not a MLK, Jr. kind of dream. I was at a Steely Dan concert with my BF only we weren’t sitting together. We were at the Riverbend concert venue in Cincinnati, but I was in a balcony, which they don’t have. I was squished in at the end of the balcony front row next to some Port-a-Potties that were crammed in next to the wall and there was no rail in front of us, so it was very treacherous music-listening.

So after a while I lost my balance and accidentally pushed a Port-a-Potty over the edge of the balcony to the ground below. I don’t think anyone was hurt. Then I pushed another Port-a-Potty. And the another, only with the third one a girl fell too and I don’t know what happened to her but I hope she didn’t die because can you imagine falling to your death on top of a Port-a-Potty?

So then I was scared, obviously, because I didn’t want to fall with any Port-a-Potties. So I got the freaks who were sitting by be to help me climb out of my dangerous seat and I made my way out of the concert place. That’s when I ran into my BF and for some reason I was very upset that he wasn’t the one who helped me out of my seat.

That’s the dream. What does it all mean? I should point out that I am sick right now. So maybe it just means that I am delusional? After all, I don’t even like Steely Dan.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I was shopping at Joseph Beth bookstore today for some books and such for vacation. The cashier who rang me up asked, “How are you doing.” I am sure I was supposed to answer with the canned, “Fine.” But instead I said, “Not so hot. I am on my way to the doctor — I have a sinus infection.”

And do you know what he said?

“Well, at least you won’t go hungry.”

Think about that. It’s nasty.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Submitted by Jason B.:
This image appeared as an ad on Rhapsody music service. Look closely. Ha!
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

Jimmy Buffet

Jimmy, damn you. Cincinnati gives you an undo amount of money and fandom. So what made you think, “When I start my tour back up, in Cincinnati, I’ll do it on a SUNDAY night”? I know from your vantage point it’s probably hard to see out onto the lawn, but I am assuming that you are able to see all of the flesh (from the men in bikini tops and grass skirts… mmm, hot) and I am pretty sure you can make out the people dressed as sharks. (Bet you couldn’t see all the duct tape they used to make those costumes though…)

Right now in Cincinnati there are more than 20,000 people who are really frustrated with you right now. Like me, those poor people are hunkered over their desks at work trying to focus. (As in everything in my line of vision is blurry right now. Is the room spinning?)

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Some dogs just aren’t lap dogs, no matter how hard they try.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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