“You’re working so hard right now. Some day you will look back and this will be on of your fondest memories.” I am still waiting for this oft-repeated prophecy to come true. I think I heard it most in regards to whatever car I was driving at the time, while I was being encouraged (read: forced) to wash it. “The reason your car keeps breaking is because it has low self esteem. You need to wash it more.” Right.
This weekend, taking advantage of the nice weather, I cleaned my car – a newer, sans-frequent-break-downs-model. It looked nice. I kept thinking, “I bet this car has the best self-esteem right now.” (Damn statement like that for sticking in my head.)
Well, I think my car is seeing a shrink now for very low self-esteem. Some bird took some nasty dook right on top of the newly cleaned trunk. Ah, fond memories.