The Product of Creative Frustration


I love me some Salinger. I mean, I really, really love his books. And I think its funny how he has gotten so much flak and been on banned books list and stuff, ‘cus his books are just so fabulous! And I have heard and read people (nonsensical) reasons for why is stuff is bad – it will rot your brain, lead to violence and insolence, etc. Malarkey, I say!

Until now.

I am reading Franny and Zooey.

I bought a used copy very cheap while I was out in Seattle. I was about halfway through when these fell out:

Now, the price tag is not a big deal, just funny to me. But that drawing… Wowza. Maybe Salinger does cause people to be disturbed… (Though I can’t really, truly believe that.)

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.






  1. I love the Catcher in the rye! It’s a great book. I haven’t read Franny and Zooey yet though.

    Freaky drawing you found in the book! 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    This is my favorite book and has been since I was 14. I like it better than Catcher in the Rye I think because it is a little off. I wanted to name my kids Franny and Zooey but the ex wouldn’t go for it. “Oh Snail, Climb Mt. Fuji, But Slowly, Slowly,” is my mantra.

    I have read every word Salinger has ever written. There’s a compilation of short stories that are excellent – can’t remember the name – something about a rooftop in the title. Of course, I haven’t read them as an adult, but I’m sure I would still love them. They are on my bookshelf right now.


  3. Anonymous

    How much more cool can that be? This is an awesome find!

  4. Anonymous

    The other books are called “Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenders” and “Nine Stories”

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