The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: May 2005


I am not sure I have ever shared within these sacred tomes my fierce intimidation of short girls. It’s not that I am a height-ist, though I have been accused of such. I don’t think being tall is any better than being short. (Okay, maybe a little better. After all, in big crowds, wouldn’t short people only see backs and butts? And I would think a short girl could date a boy for weeks before discovering he was bald. Or, to be non-bald-ist, that the boy’s head was covered in tattoos.) I assume that me being intimidated by short girls stems from a slight jealousy of their compact frames and a pronounced uncomfortablility with hugging them – I have to practically bend in half!

So the reason I bring this up… The other day I was walking out of work to my car behind this particularly short girl and had that familiar sense of being uncomfortable. Then, as I passed her, as I was apt to do given that my legs were so much longer, she turns to me and says, “Where did you get your shoes? They’re cute.”

And this is when it occurred to me. There is no reason to be intimidated by short girls! They love shoes just like me!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


“You’re working so hard right now. Some day you will look back and this will be on of your fondest memories.” I am still waiting for this oft-repeated prophecy to come true. I think I heard it most in regards to whatever car I was driving at the time, while I was being encouraged (read: forced) to wash it. “The reason your car keeps breaking is because it has low self esteem. You need to wash it more.” Right.

This weekend, taking advantage of the nice weather, I cleaned my car – a newer, sans-frequent-break-downs-model. It looked nice. I kept thinking, “I bet this car has the best self-esteem right now.” (Damn statement like that for sticking in my head.)

Well, I think my car is seeing a shrink now for very low self-esteem. Some bird took some nasty dook right on top of the newly cleaned trunk. Ah, fond memories.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


I love me some Salinger. I mean, I really, really love his books. And I think its funny how he has gotten so much flak and been on banned books list and stuff, ‘cus his books are just so fabulous! And I have heard and read people (nonsensical) reasons for why is stuff is bad – it will rot your brain, lead to violence and insolence, etc. Malarkey, I say!

Until now.

I am reading Franny and Zooey.

I bought a used copy very cheap while I was out in Seattle. I was about halfway through when these fell out:

Now, the price tag is not a big deal, just funny to me. But that drawing… Wowza. Maybe Salinger does cause people to be disturbed… (Though I can’t really, truly believe that.)

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


While in Seattle I saw something very disturbing. I passed a high school, in front of which was a sign with the school name and the teams’ name. Now I have heard of weird school mascot names before. (Billie’s story of the almost-named-Dike-Iowa-Beavers was very funny.) But this … this is a good one.

The Roosevelt High School Rough Riders

Lest you think I am dumb, I do understand the historical reference being made here. I know of Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. I also know that they would not have selected the same name for themselves today. Bad connotations, my friend. And it is because of these bad connotations that I think the school mascot name is bad. Very, very bad.
This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


So last night I was watching TV. I don’t have cable, which means I have 6 channels from which to choose what I watch. My options last night:

  1. George Bush talking about something
  2. George Bush talking about something
  3. George Bush talking about something
  4. George Bush talking about something
  5. Eye for an Eye
  6. Blue Collar TV

Of course I went with Eye for an Eye. Was there really any other choice?

Have you ever seen this show? I think it’s rather fabulous, though I think it’s definitely a tad on the racist side and I shouldn’t have found it as funny as I did…
In the show, Judge Extreme Akim is like a Judge Judy who uses a baseball bat instead of a gavel. His commentator is Tommy Habeeb and his bailiff is Sugar Ray Phillips (former middleweight boxing champion of the world).

On the episode I watched, the case was two sisters fighting it out over money. Sister I was unemployed and living with Sister II. Sister I won $500 in the lottery and Sister II thought the money should go to her since she had paid so much for Sister I (rent, food, etc.). Since so much badmouthing took place over the trial, Judge Extreme Akim’s decision was that both sisters would fight it out. The winning lottery ticket was hidden in a full dumpster and the sister had to search for it. After one of them found it, they had to fight each other for it. He also threw in an extra $200 so that the ultimate winner got $700. At some point during the battle, a spectator jumped into the dumpster and Sugar had to yank him out.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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