The Product of Creative Frustration


I am an openly shallow individual. I have no choice to admit it. I see things and catty thoughts just automatically pop in my head. I try to stop it. I try to be nice. I can’t help it. Certain things though automatically trigger mocking thoughts (and the occasional comment):

  • Wearing Eastland shoes with the laces curled like we used to do in grade school
  • Wearing black socks with sneakers
  • Mall bangs
  • Man tank tops
  • Quoting lame ass movies

So this last one leads into a question I have. Do you think it is respectable to go around quoting the movie Hope Floats, starring Sandra Bullock? (Admittedly, it also stars Harry Connick, Jr., but that only helps a little.) What if the person quoting it is a normally hip guy? What if the person quoting it is your boyfriend? Should you dump him? Is a passion for watching and memorizing lines from Sandra Bullock movies reason enough to end a relationship?

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.






  1. Anonymous

    Dump his ass!

  2. Dump that rotton, no-good, Communist sonsabitch. No one liked him from day one, but we didn’t have the heart to tell you. Now that you’re starting to realize he’s an ass, we will fully back your split and be very disappointed if you don’t do it.

  3. Anonymous

    Hope Floats is lame??

  4. When Hope Floats came out in 1998, I was 20. I thought it was cute at the time. Again, I was 20. Now, ever more mature at 26, I see it was what it is. Lame.

    Let me explain why:

    1. The tagline of the movie is “When life fell apart, love fell into place.” Lame.

    2. Not only does it star Sandra Bullock, who manages to not impress me in most of her movie choices, her name is Birdee in the film. Lame.

    3. I adore Harry Connick, Jr., but his acting in this movie? Lame.

    4. The soundtrack featured To Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan and performed by Garth Brooks. Not Lame. So the movie has one redeeming point…

  5. Anonymous

    It appears that, yes, you are indeed shallow. However, if something so small as a preference to a Sandra Bullock movie – who is very hot, by the way – would inspire you to reach out into the cyber universe to determine what to do, your path as it were, then perhaps you are on the right course.

    Of course he would feel quite crushed but he should know your standards as they pertain to film and, moreover, know better than to discuss film with you in any fashion so, subsequently, he probably does have a shunt and should be disposed of appropriately.

    Do those braceletes really deflect bullets? If so, up to what calliber?

    They look heavy.

  6. Anonymous

    Me again from last post…

    If you are a “closet geek extaordinaire,” your assessment of your boyfriend as a “normally hip guy,” appears slightly flawed.

    What’s your take on this assertion?

  7. The bracelets are heavy – they help me build up my arm strength.

    I don’t nuderstand your question. I’m sorry. Can you explain more?

  8. Anonymous

    Your a geek, so you say – right?

    You say your boyfriend’s hip – right?

    Therefore if you are a true geek then you view the world from a geek’s perspective and can only assume to be aware of what is hip because to be hip is not in your nature. There is as a a result no real context for you to “identify” with whom might or might not be hip.

    Think of it as though you’re looking through coke bottle lenses but your vision is clear to begin with. Yes, you see the world, but now the world has become a very amorphous and impressionistic place in which you can only vaguely identify things clearly. Your geekiness is the lenses and so you see the world from a geek perspective. This is, for all intents and purposes, your reality.

    So, due to this profound introversion of your geekiness onto your self, identity, and perspective it might be easy to assume that you believe that anything that might not reach the precipice of your geek hilltop could be interpreted to you as hip. Right?

    Therefor while you think your boyfriend might be hip may not be realistically true outside of your own perception. For gawds sake, he’s quoting lines from a marginaly successful movie from nearly a decade ago. Who’s the bigger geek here? Ain’t no way that that could be a hip trait if you went out and took a survey on any street USA.

    I think the reality of the situation is that your pretty hip but pose as a geek for the attention it might beget. I also think that you’re concerned that you, a cool and hip twenty-something has made a huge error in aligning herself romantically with a true, home grown, corn bread eating, from the toes to the nose, honest to go sherrif I swear I saw it, actual geek.

    Otherwise I think you would embrace his quotable nuances as a confirmation that he is truly a geek and because you are truly a geek that you are two stars who have collided together in purpose and meaning to fulfill a life together of geekiness and life would be bliss.

    Hey what do you want – I’m hungry.

    Good luck!

  9. I have to admit that I quote from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and Mall Rats. I love movies from the 80s.

    If quoting from old/lame ass movies was a valid reason for dumping someone…I would have been left at the alter. Thank God I am just as immature as my hubby.

  10. I wonder about this person who was able to spend so much time thinking about whether or not I could correctly label someone hip. Rather odd to me…

  11. Anonymous

    What do you wonder, I wonder?

    Not to worry – I type and think very quickly.

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