I am getting married. Apparently. I just found out yesterday. Imagine my surprise! [Keep reading.]
I got home and below all of my buildings’ mailboxes was the usual pile of magazines. (Our mailboxes are too small for magazines so the mailperson just piles them up for us to sort through.) There on top of the pile was an issue of Modern Bride.
“Aaaaw,” I thought. “Someone in my building is getting married.”
Then I bent down to see if any magazines were there for me and then I saw it. The name on the Modern Bride issue was mine.
So I guess I am getting married. Who knew?
Let me be the first to congratulate whoever subscribed me to this. It’s a great prank. And isn’t it sad that I have absolutely no idea who would have signed me up because there are too many people who could have done it.
Dave, are you finally getting me back for that mail gag? If so, kudos to you.