The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: February 2005 Page 2 of 3


I have heard of a Genie in Bottle. But a penis in a bottle? Oh the horror of finding that!

    This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


    Some people have too much time on their hands. However, that being said, I also sure do enjoy some of the stuff they come up with. Take this web site, for instance, where people are posting pictures of celebrities that they have edited to look much older or younger.

    This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


    Ever hear of the prank called Elevator Disco? It’s a good one.

    This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


    I can’t speak to why rims are so funny to me. Or why I find Aaron McGruder’s comic strip The Boondocks so funny. But they are and it is. And there you have it.

    This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


    Oftentimes in work you get more than you bargain for. This morning I listened as two radio DJs got much more than they bargained for, and right on the air.

    It is only fair to note here that I really hate radio DJs. They irritate me. It’s nothing personal, usually. I listen to the radio to hear music, not talk. And sometimes what I hear during the “talk” sessions just offends me. Case in point:

    So I was listening to a pop station this morning and the DJs were talking about Valentine’s Day. One woman called in to say she had the worst Valentine’s Day ever. When she got home she expected to have a cozy evening snuggling with her guy. Instead she found rose petals and romantic notes leading her through her house to her boyfriend who was on one knee with an engagement ring. Sounds okay, right? He proposed and she said no. (Seems to me that maybe the boyfriend had the worst Valentine’s Day ever – not her…)

    Now here is where the radio DJs messed up. They could have just ended the conversation and played a song or talked to another listener. But no. Instead they ask if they can call the boyfriend to see if he is okay. (Okay? Do you think he is okay?) And of course in this Jerry Springer World the girl says yes and during the commercial break gives the DJs his phone number.

    I would like to point out that at this point I changed radio stations to one playing a song. But when the radio DJ on that station came on, I had to change stations. (I don’t know what accent this woman tries for but it ends up just sounding like nails on a chalkboard to me.) So I started rolling my radio dial and ended up back listening to the proposal nightmare story.

    So they call the guy. Guess what? He’s not okay. Shocking! In fact, he is pissed. And he wants to know why the girl said no and he, like the DJs, doesn’t buy into her excuse that the time just isn’t right.

    So the DJs prod.

    And she admits that she had a one night stand two months ago with a boyfriend back from when she was in high school. They haven’t talked since but she feels guilty.

    The boyfriend says he can forgive her and they can work through it. But that’s not all.

    She is two months pregnant. And doesn’t know whose it is.

    What the hell??? At this point the DJs clearly know they have gotten in to far. Neither knows what to say. They apologize to both and quickly play a song.

    This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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