The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: January 2005


So a week or two ago I had one of the worst mornings. I just woke up in a foul mood and was running late. Then as I am climbing into my car I see creamer that I had packed in my satchel leaking out. I go back up to my apartment and upon opening my bag see about five inches of creamer floating around – the whole bottle had spilled. I quickly cleaned my new monogrammed planner, rinsed off my notebook, threw out the saturated junk floating around and held back tears as I pulled out my CD case with all 40 or so of my favorite CDs. I quickly set about to rinsing them off and setting them out to dry on bath towels. Finally I went back out to my car with a rag to wash the drips of creamer off the leather passenger seat.

I only got to work about 15 minutes later than usual so major crisis was averted.


So sometime last week I noticed a very bad smell in my car. It smelled like vinaigrette. Actually, it smelled like raspberry vinaigrette. It wasn’t exactly bad, but it definitely wasn’t good. I tried to drive with the windows down but that actually seemed to make things worse! When I left the windows up, I just got used to the smell after a few minutes…

The thing is, in the back of my head I kept wondering, “Does spoiled hazelnut-flavored creamer smell like raspberry vinaigrette? But, I didn’t want to admit I was screwed. After all, I had cleaned all the visible surfaces in my car. If creamer had leaked down to some weird place and then gone bad… Well, what was I to do?

This all goes on for a couple of days and then after a bit my boyfriend and I swap cars. Now, my boyfriend can’t smell. Really! He just doesn’t notice odors. But I was on the phone with him when he got into my car for the first time and it was like hearing death by asphyxiation over the phone line.

My car was in bad shape.

In the days since this has all been going on, I have driven around with Febreeze in my car. It doesn’t get rid of the smell though. So I just suck it up – literally – and drive. Then a couple days ago I go to get something from the trunk. The trunk door opens and out pours this ghastly vinaigrette odor. It’s like ripe death.

And there, sitting on the carpet of the trunk is a bottle of vinegar that I had bought a while back at the grocery store, which had clearly rolled out of the grocery bag, frozen while left out in the car and the glass bottle has cracked leaving intermittently frozen and melting vinegar in my car.

There was really vinegar in my car this whole time!

Naturally, I threw the frozen chunk of vinegar out into someone’s yard and then threw away all the broken bits of vinegar bottle. And now I have a direct target at which to point the Febreeze.

Still breathing vinegar though…

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


So the thing is, I stumbled across this site that is just too funny and I couldn’t wait to share it… So A few of you saw this yesterday. Oh well! It’s too funny not to post here.

SO, go to and click on the link for “Out TV Commercials.” Turn up your volume and if you are at work make sure only people you trust are around. (It’s not terrible – just nothing you want your boss to see you seeing…) Enjoy and laugh your ass off!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


For my day job, I work as a web editor and one of my responsibilities is responding to inquiries people send to the web site. Most of them are about things I don’t answer myself because they are of a sensitive or technical nature. Sometimes they are emails looking for jobs or business. Occasionally the emails are amusing but because of their subject matter I have to keep the amusement to myself. But finally (!) I have received one I can share.

Mind you, the web site I work for is for a children’s hospital. Remembering that makes this much more funny.

So this company / web site emailed my web site asking us to help refer business to them and we could earn money on every person referred. The email starts out “Dear Webmaster, I just visited your site. Our site is the best, easiest and largest STD dating site in the world! Our visitors might be interested in one another. You may also want to join our affiliate program.”

So here is my question: Is this a singles web site for people with STDs? And why do I think that’s funny? I mean, I am sure there are singles sites for people who are HIV positive and I think that’s awesome. But somehow, an ad that reads “SWF with herpes seeking SM with gonorrhea” is just too much for me.

Later inspection did show that the web site,, is indeed a web site for people with STDs. I still think it’s funny though.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Ew, ew, double ew. We’ve discussed a lot of trends here on WOTD, but this is one I really hope doesn’t take off because it’s just so nasty! In last month’s issue of Wired magazine there was an article about a new surgery you can have done on your eyeball (yes, eyeball) where a platinum jewel is implanted under your conjunctiva. You can get any shape – moon, star, heart, etc. I speak as a proponent of body art here, and the proud owner (?) of two tattoos, isn’t cutting your eyeball open to implant something a little risky, not to mention nasty???

Read more at and make sure you click on those pictures on the left so you can see what this nastiness looks like!

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.


Submitted by Jason B:

During the holidays my girlfriend and I endured a total of four festive family get togethers. They say that the season is a time for sharing, but I think that there might be a few things that shouldn’t be shared.

Case in point, my step-sister-in-law: She is on a medication that dries out her face and lips quite badly. During my Mom’s Christmas gathering she whipped out a round can of pink jelly looking goo and started applying it to her face and lips giving her face a shiny pink glow with a strawberry scent. When asked what the mystery goo was she explained that it was a product she purchased at one of those ladies-only “Passion Parties.” One day she tried it on her lips and found that it worked better than Blistex or Carmex. The label from the can had been removed.

She then revealed the name of the product……Nipple Nibblers.

This post originally appeared on Kate’s Point of View. © Kate. All rights reserved.

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