The Product of Creative Frustration


I don’t claim to be the most enthusiastic person about this year’s presidential election. In fact, I think this WOTD will only illustrate how unenthused I am about it. Did you watch the presidential debates last night? Were you distracted like I was? Instead of listening to the words coming out of your president’s mouth, were you watching the small bit of spittle that had gathered in the corner of his mouth?

I get that spittle happens, particularly when talking a lot, but a quick flick of the tongue and it could have been gone. Ew.

In the fifth grade I had a teacher – she was also the wife of my dentist, not that you care – who had a serious problem with spittle. Every day while she would teach spittle would gather n the corner of her mouth. I thought she was so pretty, as little girls seems to be prone to think about their young teachers, but that spittle thing made her so icky.

It was hard for me to pay attention to her too.





1 Comment

  1. OMG…LOL…I had a neighbor that did that. I could never gossip with her because I was dry heaving!

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