A September Tribute to the Beginning of the School Year
I rode a yellow school bus to school like many of you probably did. In first grade my bus driver’s name was Schmitty and he used a whistle that he would blow fiercely every time we got too loud. Also, I don’t think he had any teeth. I remember him being old as dirt, but then again, I was six.
I don’t remember any other of the bus drivers who took me to school. But I do remember the havoc we wreaked on them. One prank in particular stands out…
There were these older, cooler kids on our bus (eighth-graders, I’m sure… Michelle and her cute brother) and they led all of us who of course followed along in the hopes of looking cool. We waited until one particular sharp turn on our bus route and we all hopped onto the same side of the bus. The hope was to make the bus tip over no it’s side, which it did not. However, we did get the bus onto two wheels, which is an impressive feat, I think.
In retrospect, I cannot figure out why tipping over the bus would have been a good idea, although it would have been fun to brag about and would have irritated the driver. But it also would have prolonged out day. On the bus, no less. But then again, hindsight is 20/20.