Inspired by Steve G.:Inspiration takes some funny forms. I started this web site simply because a friend told me she thought it was a good idea. (Thanks, Andrea!) Some great studies have been inspired by parents watching their children (Myers-Briggs, Charles Horton Cooley and the Looking Glass Self). Why not inspiration from found objects then?
There are great works of art in museums all over the world (MOMA, The Tate, The Noyes Museum) made from found objects. But why not use this sort of inspiration for a blog, right?
I Found Some of Your Life is a blog inspired by a memory card found by the author. Beginning with a pretty little poem, this blog is part Lost and Found, part twisted and part creative genius.
You are unknown to me.
Your camera’s memory card was in a taxi; I have it now.
I am going to post one of your pictures each day.
I will also narrate as if I were you.
Maybe you will come here and reclaim this piece of your life.
The author of this site has been creating stories to go with the pictures on the memory card and posting them online, with the assumption that someone will eventually find the site and go, “Hey, that’s me!” and ask for the card back.