The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: September 2004 Page 1 of 3


On my way to work today I drove behind someone with this sign posted on their back window:


Can’t argue with that.


To start out with, I have to tell you that I love modern art. In fact, it’s about the only art I really appreciate. When I go to museums, I run through almost the whole thing and then linger on the modern art floor. I think my friend Dave and I toured the entire British Museum, after being told it was the most fabulous art museum in London, in about 15 minutes. We spent nearly an entire day at the Tate. So you have the picture right? I love, and, I think, appreciate modern art.

So this weekend I paid a visit to the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati. They have an exhibit (that they are so proud of they don’t even list online with the other exhibitions) that they referred to as “minimalist.” I should say so! In on very large room there was nothing but a broken bottle of Heineken with the beer dried up on the floor. In another large room there was a bench in a glass case. In still another room there was nothing more than a twig leaning against the wall.

So maybe I don’t appreciate modern art after all… Or at least not “minimalist” art. I do appreciate the irony in watching the poor museum employee whose job it was to guard the twig, covered bench and dried beer with broken glass.


There’s this great opening sequence in Amelie where the characters are introduced by their lies and dislikes, all of which are quirky. On a 150-mile bike ride it got my friend Dave and I thinking about our own…

My Likes:

  • Paper when it first comes out of the copier or printer and is still warm
  • When boys (and small kids) giggle – not laugh, but giggle
  • The feel of water pouring at half strength out of the faucet onto your hand like silk
  • Reading a book for so long that afterwards you process your thoughts in the language of the characters you were just reading about

My Dislikes:

  • Sitting next to strangers
  • When people clap after movies (Who are ya’ll clapping for? The actors can’t hear you!)
  • Hairy fruit
  • Wine – I’ve tried but the teachers who tried to prepare me for wine at my First Communion scarred me for life

Have I got you thinking about your likes and dislikes now? Click on comments below and share yours.


I am able to track some of the ways people get to this web site and oh boy… Here are some examples of the search phrases I see and where on my site they end up:


Everything in this country is made for dichotomies and it pisses me off.

  • Are you male or female?
  • Straight or gay?
  • Single or married?
  • Republican or democrat?
  • Religious or atheist?
  • Black or white?

In my opinion, very few things fit into those nice little dichotomies. I am of the view that every question listed above fits much better with the possible responses on a continuum that allows for multiple varieties of answers. (Yeah adrienne rich!)

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