The Product of Creative Frustration

Month: July 2004


On nuns at my Catholic grade school:

I know what a nun’s hair looks like under her habit. I know the peculiarity of seeing a woman who has spent 20+ years wearing nothing but a habit in public suddenly shopping for “plain” clothes. I have lied to a nun. I have had a nun tell me that me that she shared my liberal thoughts on Catholicism and that sometimes you have to pick and choose what works for you. I have seen a nun play kickball in full habit. I have been in the same school with a nun for seven years and never learned her name – referring to her only as Sister Mary Lunchroom. I have thought about what the prettiest nun name to have would be – Sister Mary Theresa. I have thought Sister Mary Claire was awesome.

On nuns at my Catholic high school:

I have had a nun ask me for more information on STDs. I have had a nun teach me about sex ed. I have seen a nun in black beat up chucks and blue jeans. A nun has showed me her tattoo. I have cried in front of a nun. I have had a nun teach me how to curtsy – dip low Ladies. I have had a nun tell me how to cross my legs – at the ankles Ladies. I have had a nun tell me what color panties to wear under a white dress – white or flesh colored, because Ladies, we don’t want to show the world what you have to offer. I have seen a nun color inside the lines. I have tricked a nun to believe that I was a member of a cult. I have ducked out of site of a nun to avoid detention.


Entry 3:


Your best friend is all alone in her apartment for the weekend watches a scary movie (starring Joshua Jackson, so how scary can it be?) and is too scared to sleep alone. She calls you and asks you to come over and stay the night. Hers is a single bed so you have to sleep on the couch. Which is by the front door. Which is what she was so scared of.


Entry 2:

I love country music. I love that it is crossing over. I hate that I have to listen to popular songs twice as much as the rest of you. A country song gets big on the country stations and I listen to it for a few months until it fades away to the music-hits-graveyard. Then when it is reincarnated as a pop song, I listen to it all over again. It’s too much.

I stopped listening to Shania Twin long before I stopped think her music was any good only because I was so sick of hearing her all the time.

Enter Faith Hill’s This Kiss.

While a senior in college my friend Mandi and I decided to get drunk on an entire bottle of SoCo (Southern Comfort), the mere smell of which now makes me nauseous. Her thing was to take small sips chased with apple juice. She felt if you alternated SoCo and apple juice enough, you eventually wouldn’t know the difference and could drink the SoCo without a chaser. But she was out of apple juice so we used cherry Hi-C.

I am not a sipper, I admit it. So I would drink as much SoCo as I could handle and quickly chase it. I did this much too fast and quickly got drunk. Mandi, pissed that I was drinking her drink more quickly than she was started sipping faster.

That night I am told I threw up, but I don’t remember. Although, if Angela said it I know it was true. Mandi thought she was fine and went to a party. And threw up on the front porch. So much they had to hose off both her and the porch. It was the first time she ever threw up.

While we had been drinking our SoCo, Mandi played her newest favorite song at the time: This Kiss by Faith Hill. I of course, was sick of the song by this point and asked her to it on something else. “As soon as it’s over” she kept promising.

Sneaky little girl had the song on repeat and played it all night but I was too drunk to catch on.


I have decided to do a little series of WOTDs in memorial / memory of someone whom I am finally able to laugh and talk about.

Entry 1:

Back when I was in college my freshman I used to “smoke” all of the time when I got mad at myself for doing something stupid. I felt like I kept accidentally walking into stupid situations (usually with stupid boys) so at least when I smoked I knew it was stupid from the get go.

I would walk from my dorm up the street to this little convenient store on campus and buy cigarettes. I didn’t know one brand from another so I always ended up buying Reds, which I now know are not your beginner type of ciggys.

On these smoking nights I would skulk around campus puffing away – sometimes a whole pack at a time – and by the end of the night my tongue would be numb. It turns out the tongue numbing was because I never actually inhaled once in all my days of smoking and so the smoke and nicotine would just sit in my mouth. How did I discover you this you ask? Good question.

My junior year I was again feeling like I did something stupid. I doubt is was boy related because this is also the year I went through my “I Hate Boys” phase and dressed a lot in drag, kind of. Whatever the occasion was though, I bought some ciggys to make myself feel better.

And I finally really inhaled.

And the room spun.

And spun.

And I sat down on the floor scared out my mind. What was going on? This isn’t what smoking was supposed to feel like!

And so I called Mandi and I can admit now that I was crying when I called her because I was so frickin’ scared. And she, in all her wisdom, came over and laughed at me and she, the non-smoker, explained to me that I finally got my smoking buzz.

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