I have decided to do a little series of WOTDs in memorial / memory of someone whom I am finally able to laugh and talk about.
Entry 1:
Back when I was in college my freshman I used to “smoke” all of the time when I got mad at myself for doing something stupid. I felt like I kept accidentally walking into stupid situations (usually with stupid boys) so at least when I smoked I knew it was stupid from the get go.
I would walk from my dorm up the street to this little convenient store on campus and buy cigarettes. I didn’t know one brand from another so I always ended up buying Reds, which I now know are not your beginner type of ciggys.
On these smoking nights I would skulk around campus puffing away – sometimes a whole pack at a time – and by the end of the night my tongue would be numb. It turns out the tongue numbing was because I never actually inhaled once in all my days of smoking and so the smoke and nicotine would just sit in my mouth. How did I discover you this you ask? Good question.
My junior year I was again feeling like I did something stupid. I doubt is was boy related because this is also the year I went through my “I Hate Boys” phase and dressed a lot in drag, kind of. Whatever the occasion was though, I bought some ciggys to make myself feel better.
And I finally really inhaled.
And the room spun.
And spun.
And I sat down on the floor scared out my mind. What was going on? This isn’t what smoking was supposed to feel like!
And so I called Mandi and I can admit now that I was crying when I called her because I was so frickin’ scared. And she, in all her wisdom, came over and laughed at me and she, the non-smoker, explained to me that I finally got my smoking buzz.