I have had a variety of part-time jobs: crossing guard, train conductor, cashier, stock girl, ride operator, etc.
One holiday break I had the unfortunate luck of working at Lazarus in the men’s department. All of the cashier jobs were taken so my job was just to straighten displays and tables – not fun given that:
It was the holiday season and people are slobs
Folding men’s wool sweaters all day results in hundreds of shocks each day
Men’s ties are slippery little suckers that have to be re-folded all day long
My job title for that holiday break: Fluffer and Folder.
I never knew why people (primarily men) thought this was such a funny title. The someone explained it to me.
A “fluffer” is a woman who “prepares” a male actor before appearing on screen. In porn. Naked. She gets him … excited. For a better definition, see the Urban Dictionary.