Inspired by Kate H. who reminded me of this – I know you love being the inspiration of this one…
My siblings all attend my alma mater, Ohio University, and my sisters have both lived in this sweet, old house that right on a main route to the bars – only a block from the main street. It’s a great location for parties and for people watching while drinking on the porch. Sometimes though, watching drunks and streakers stumble by on their ways to and from the bars is not enough. You know, you get bored. When you get bored, you get creative. Well, at least their male friends do.
So they start playing Poo Dollar.
It goes like this – One guy has to go drop some kids off at the pool. Rather than using old fashioned TP, he wipes with a dollar bill. Then he deposits the poo-streaked dollar bill on the sidewalk in front of the house. Afterwards he joins my sisters and their friends out on the porch and the fun ensues. Drunkards on their way home after an evening of libations (and at OU they partake in many libations), maneuvering their way down the street, spot money. Who doesn’t want money? Of course they pick up the not-so-crisp bill only to find their hands covered in, you got it, poo.
Lots of entertainment for $1.